About Library

Muthurangam Govt arts college Library is a unique academic library and it has well-stocked unique titles covering all domains of knowledge. Our collection strengths include Tamil, English, History, Commerce, Computer Science, Economics, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Nutrition, and Business Administration. The Library also holds special materials like Britannica Encyclopedia, General studies for competitive exams, political maps, and other publications of general studies. The Library provides access to faculty members, administrative staff, students, Guest faculties and outside research scholars from Thiruvalluvar University. The Library subscribes journals and magazines from national and international level.

The Library has a separate section for magazine and journals. The Library is now using token card system for library function. The library has digital library 10 computers with BSNL fiberoptic internet connectivity.

Library Collections

S.No. Particulars Total
1. No.of Books 56330
2. No. of Journals & Magazines 53
3. No. of. e-Journals (through NLIST) 3828
4. No. of. e-books (through NLIST) 80409
5. No. of News paper 02

Library Rules

  1. Muthurangam Govt Arts College Library is open to all students and faculty.
  2. Students should carry their ID card while using the library.
  3. Students and staff are requested to register their names and times in the ledger note at the entrance of the reading hall. The library is open for students and staff from 9am to 5pm. Books and journals can be issued during the library hours and books are delivered on the below mentioned day order.

  4. S.No. Day Class
    1 Monday Mathematics - Nutrition Food Servive Management
    2 Tuesday Physics-Chemistry
    3 Wednessday Commerce - Computer Science - Business Management
    4 Thursday Economics - Tamil - History
    5 Friday Zoology - English
    6 In All Working Days M.Phil & Ph.D research scholars

  5. Students can be issued 3 books and it can be kept only for 15 days from the date of book issued.If the date of returning book falls on holiday, they should return it on the very next working day. Books will not be issued during the term and summer holidays. All the books must be returned to the library before the leave/summer holiday commences.
  6. Each student will be given a library ticket, while getting books he or she should produce their library ticket. After returning the books library ticket will be given back to them. If they fail to return the book on due date, will be fined.
  7. If needed, The Principal/Librarian has right to recall the books, at any time that are issued by students.
  8. Making any mark and underline in the books is strictly prohibited.
  9. Before lending a book, students should see whether the book is in good condition or not. If any pages found toned/damaged in the book, they should inform librarian immediately.
  10. If any book is lost by student, they will be asked to replace the same edition; otherwise they will have to pay as per norms.
  11. Any kind of personal chatting and group discussion in the Library is not allowed.
  12. Uses of Mobile phones, such as Browsing social networking websites and other unwanted Websites is not allowed in the Reading Hall.
  13. Removing any electrical parts and charging any mobile phones/Laptops are not allowed.
  14. Students must maintain the SILENCE in the Library and students should not change the order of Chairs/benches already arranged in the reading hall.

Facilities and services

  1. The library is following an open access system to the library's users. The students and faculty can browse and select the books themselves.
  2. Students and staff can borrow the books for home reading. Rare and reference books are not for issue out of the library. The title with the reference tag is meant for reference only.
  3. The library documents are properly arranged by subject wise.
  4. The library has got a separate printer cum photocopier (One in all facilities). Students can use this facility on request.
  5. The Reference Desk will conduct searches for books and periodicals that you are unable to locate on the shelves. This service is open to students and staff.
  6. Whenever new information sources are added to the library collection, the list will be made available to students and staff regularly. The library also conducts a library orientation programme for new members/students at the beginning of the academic year.
  7. The library has a digital library and it has subscribed to the NLIST e-database, which consists of more than 6300 e-journals and more than 180000 ebooks.
  8. The students and staff are registered members of NLIST and have been given an individual ID and password to access NLIST e-resources.